The Femto Secret

If you’re still reading, congratulations.  You passed the first test.  You are one step closer to understanding the incredible secret of Michael Fertik’s success.  

You possess the single most important personality trait of an innovator:  you don’t listen to anyone else.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Michael it’s that there is entirely too much listening going on in society.  

Not only are people listening to naysayers, they are listening to yaysayers. Nodding their heads as politicians, marketers and others with selfish agendas tell them they are special and that they matter.  That they aren’t like other people; they are the people who make a difference.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from Michael it’s that there is entirely too much listening going on in society.

If you’re here to be validated as the unique and special person worthy of success who you know yourself to be, stop reading right now.  There are no secrets ahead for you.  Because you do not have what it takes to recognize the secret, even when it’s presented to you as “the secret.”

But you’re not looking for quick fixes or ego boosting, are you?  You get it.  You want to get it.  You already have it.  How do I know that?  Because I was just like you…